Rock with DHTMLX Scheduler .NET. Your Case Studies Wanted

We thought it would be a great idea to showcase your project that involve the use of DHTMLX Scheduler .NET. All we need is description of your application that uses our web control, and we will publish it on our website.

Publising your case study will be a win-win opportunity for both of us. Take a look

case studies asp net

How can you benefit from sending us a case study?

  • The significant part of the article will point out the benefits of your product
  • We’ll add backlinks to your company and product site
  • Your case study will be distributed across social networks, technology websites and blogs that will reach your own prospects
  • We will grant you an extra month of technical support

Tips to write a case study:

  • Provide a full description of the application and write who this app is intended for
  • Preferably, you case study should be 500 words minimum 
  • Describe the challenges you had prior to using our web component and how it provided a solution to your problem
  • Attach 2-3 screenshots of your app with Scheduler .NET calendar (make sure the text on the screenshots is readable)
  • Add information about your company (company website, company’s name, your name and job title. You can also add your personal and/or your company Linkedin profiles, if you wish)
  • Any other additional information you’d like to share

If you need any assistance with the case study or require more time to prepare your case study, send your email to schedulernet[at]dhtmlx[dot]com.  



Viktoria Langer

DHTMLX Scheduler .NET product care manager and customer manager since 2012. Interested in ASP.NET and trying to create valuable content.

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