Online Booking Calendar for ASP.NET with Demo UPDATED

We are glad to inform about the new opportunities our web-control provides. Now you can extend DHTMLX Scheduler functionality and add an ASP.NET online booking service to your web-site.

The calendar will show availability of different resources (hotel rooms, time and etc.) on a per day basis. Your visitors will be able to make reservations straight on the web-site by selecting days or time they need and adding information online. They can also modify scheduled events and drag them around within the calendar. You can set access rights authorizing each visitor to make online changes only to his data added to the calendar. Expired data can't be changed or deleted. Every visitor will have a certain color for his calendar inputs displayed in Agenda, Rooms, Week and Months views.

Our scheduler control offers a great solution that can be effectively used in any ASP.NET app to create an online booking service for:

  • hotels for booking rooms
  • hospitals to schedule patients
  • or anyone else for online reservations

It can also be used as a registration tool that allows people to remotely register for participation in different events.

If Scheduler .NET is used to create an online room booking service, you can adjust settings so that a guest could rent any available room for a certain period of time (the minimum duration can be set by the calendar administrator additionally).

Scheduler .NET is easy to use and quite flexible to adjust configurations to your needs and create a booking calendar you like.

Specially for you, we've made an online booking calendar demo. You can test it right now. View online demo

To access the booking calendar control panel use guest1, guest2 or guest3 as a login and a password. 

Read our detailed online booking calendar tutorial and get a free download package! 

online booking calendar in aspx


We also recommend you to evaluate a room booking calendar created MVC3 Razor in terrace skin. We have provided a detailed ASP.NET MVC3 Razor tutorial with a demo sample to download.

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Viktoria Langer

DHTMLX Scheduler .NET product care manager and customer manager since 2012. Interested in ASP.NET and trying to create valuable content.

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