Keep Your ASP.NET Time Control Up To Date: Scheduler .NET v.3.3.18 Released

On the eve of long-awaited summer holidays we have come up with a new bug fix release for DHTMLX Scheduler .NET. As with the previous update, the major fixes concern client-side improvements of our ASP.NET calendar control

This time we've made the following fixes: 

  • drag-create event dates in timeline with rounded dates
  • marked timespan double click should respect scheduler.config.dblclick_create config
  • timeline scale cell index calculation when ignores defined
  • minor improvements for layout misalignment when browser zoom is enabled
  • bug with ignored columns and year view
  • support svg elements inside scheduler
  • errors on multi-touch
  • bug with keyboard focus on mobile devices
  • integration with the latest DHTMLX Suite library
  • various issues with DST
  • bug that caused events placed on 31th day of the month to be displayed incorrectly in Daily Timeline
  • addEventNow must return id of new event
  • bug with scheduler listening window.onresize when scheduler container is removed from DOM

The clients of Scheduler .NET will receive a newsletter with the latest version to download. In case of any questions regarding the web control, do not hesitate to forward them to

If you have't tried DHTMLX Scheduler .NET yet, get the most stable version of it now.

free download



Viktoria Langer

DHTMLX Scheduler .NET product care manager and customer manager since 2012. Interested in ASP.NET and trying to create valuable content.

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